Information - MDMusicX5

Mary Davis Music Studio
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Policies & Information

General Information & Studio Policy


  • Private Lesson Time

  • Teacher and Administrative Preparation Time

  • Time Spent Searching for New Music and Materials

  • Time Spent on Recitals, Festivals and Auditions

  • Scheduling, Billing, Accounting

  • Continuing Professional Education

  • Costs associated with running a small business (insurance, taxes, facilities, etc.)

Tuition is not considered as an hourly charge nor as a charge by the lesson. Lessons are scheduled at a time which is reserved for your student each and every week during the academic term.  That time cannot be recaptured if lessons are missed.  I will make up lessons that I cancel, however, please understand that make-up lessons are not available for lessons missed by your student.

Payment is due and payable on the 1st of each month. Invoices will be mailed during the last week of each month. Payment is preferred in the form of cash, money order, or check made payable to Mary Davis.  A $35 fee will be assessed on returned checks.

ATTENDANCE:  You are paying for your student's regular attendance.  Please ensure student readiness and preparation for each lesson.  Missed lessons are NOT refundable and are not made up except in instances where I miss your lesson. Only then will I schedule a make-up lesson at our mutual convenience. Please provide notice at least a day in advance if a lesson must be missed. Students arriving late will not have their lesson time extended. Students who arrive late by more than half their lesson period will be considered absent.  

In case of bad weather, please contact me. If a student’s regular school closes due to inclement weather, students missing lessons on that day will be rescheduled.

SCHEDULE: The lesson calendar runs year ‘round. You will have the same lesson appointment time each week from September through May. Summer schedules change from June through August.  This studio observes the following Boerne ISD holiday schedules:  Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break and Easter.

MATERIALS:  You will be invoiced for music, festival fees, audition fees, and any additional costs incurred each month as need arises.  Students must bring their music and binders to each lesson.

WAITING, DROP-OFF, PICK-UP:  A waiting area is provided as a courtesy to the students and it is expected that everyone wait quietly, without disturbing ongoing lessons. Please be aware that THE WAITING AREA IS NOT SUPERVISED. Food and drinks are not allowed in my home studio. Please drop off students no more than five minutes prior to the scheduled lesson time and pick them up promptly. Bathroom facilities are available in the studio; hand sanitizer will be available for use prior to each lesson.

DRESS/CARE CODE: Students are requested to dress appropriately.  School apparel is a good example. Clean hands and trimmed fingernails required.

HOME INSTRUMENTS, TUNERS AND METRONOMES: Students must have a suitable instrument at home, preferably a well-tuned acoustic piano. A digital piano with 88 weighted keys and pedal may be used initially but please discuss with me before making a major purchase.  Please maintain your instrument and keep it in good repair. I’ll be happy to provide referrals for piano tuning.  A metronome should be available at home no later than the end of the first semester of piano study.

STUDIO INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT: Students are expected to treat studio instruments and equipment with appropriate respect. Students/families are responsible to fix or replace any damage due to misuse or abuse by students.

PARENT VISITATION: Parents are invited and always welcome to observe private lessons. Distractions, siblings, or other causes of interference are discouraged. Parental support is a critical factor in musical training.  Children whose parents take an active role tend to be more enthusiastic and more productive.

Parents, please take time to listen to your child play and to offer encouragement along the way.  This helps develop the daily discipline and the commitment required for your child's success.

PRACTICING: Students are responsible for setting aside a regular time each day to practice.  This is critical to your child's progress and is a habit that should become an important part of each day.  A minimum of five practice days between lessons is expected with everyday practice being a goal.  It is more important that the time spent at the piano be focused rather than passing time flipping through a music book playing pieces along the way.  As a rule of thumb, students are expected to practice at least 5 days between lessons spending at least the amount of time they spend at a piano lesson.  If the lesson lasts 45 minutes, then the student should practice 5 separate days, 45 minutes each day.  Students will progress more rapidly if they use their grade in school as a yardstick:  5th grade accumulates 5 hours of practice time between lessons; 10th grade = 10 hours.

INTERNET: As lessons progress, online lessons and activities may be utilized. Please supervise your student(s).

SPRING RECITAL: Participation in my annual spring recital is required.  This event is included in your student's lesson count for the academic term.  There are several optional opportunities during the year to hone performance skills, but this recital ensures that all students enjoy learning stagecraft as well as the power of performing. Please plan to attend the event in its entirety.  Annual awards follow the student performances.

WITHDRAWAL: THIRTY DAYS PRIOR NOTIFICATION (four lesson minimum) IN WRITING FROM THE FIRST OF THE MONTH IS REQUIRED. Tuition and fees must be paid during the Notice Period. Notification must be received in writing; withdrawal by phone or text is not accepted. Email is not a reliable way to insure receipt of your notice. NOTE:  tuition, fees, and materials charges incurred are still due and payable.

Copyright 2016 Mary Davis Music Studio
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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