FAQs - MDMusicX5

Mary Davis Music Studio
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Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to commonly asked questions.  You may not find the answer all your questions, so please feel free to contact me!

How do I sign up for piano instruction with you ?

I personally interview each prospective student and/or parent.  This interview can begin by telephone, but I'll need to spend some time with you (with your parents if you're a minor) to determine your level of interest, skill, and talent. Call me!

How much do piano lessons cost ?

My rates for new students start at $140 per month for private instruction during 30-minute piano lessons. The rates for 45-minute and hour lessons increase proportionately. I no longer travel to teach students in private homes.

What methodologies do you employ in your teaching?

Throughout my career I've stayed current on most every method designed and employed to teach piano.  Some have come and gone just as fashion styles change.

After teaching as many students as I have taught for as long as I've been teaching, my experience guides me to evaluate which of several solid methods works best for a given student.  Each of us has a unique learning style.   My job is to find that style in each student, then to build on that foundation using any and every method that is compatible with that learning style.

Do I have to have my own piano ?

Yes! Beginning students start out learning the basics about producing sound on an acoustic piano - not a keyboard. Hand position, finger position, how to touch the keys to produce loud and soft sounds.  This cannot be accomplished using a keyboard.  An acoustic piano is really needed in order to learn interpretation and musicianship from the very beginning.

Do you teach any other instruments ?

No, I do not teach any instruments other than piano.  However, I've developed a huge network of music teaching friends around the area.  Ask me about your interests and I'll do my best to find just the right teacher for you.
Where can I find sheet music, music books ?

There are a number of excellent sources and stores where you can find sheet music and music books.  I'll be happy to share the contact information with you.  Just email me and let me know what you're seeking.

Usually I provide all materials, sheet music and music books selected just for you and planned to accomplish specific goals set for your individualized curriculum.
When do classes start and end for this next school year ?

Generally  your first lesson of the fall term is scheduled right after Labor Day in September.  I celebrate the same big holidays throughout the year, usually following the school calendar published by Boerne ISD.  My spring (and final) recital is usually presented the first or second week-end in May and lessons end around the same time that the TFMC State Junior Festivall occurs each year.

Do you teach during the summer ?

Yes.  I do teach lessons during the summer.  Ask me about special summer programs in addition to regular lessons!

Copyright 2016 Mary Davis Music Studio
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