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It's a privilege for me to work with young children, teens, and adults and help them find creativity, emotional release, pride of accomplishment and challenge in the study and performance of music.  Some of our greatest pianists continue to perform well into their 90's maintaining their mental acuity and physical agility by practicing the piano and performing for others!

As a music teacher, my challenge is to be ready to meet your musical wants, needs and desires.  I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes, one that keeps me in "learning mode" so I can be prepared to teach:
              "To every person there comes that special moment when he is tapped on the shoulder to do a very special thing unique to him.  What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared for the work that would be his finest hour."          

Sir Winston Churchill

My Credo

As an educator, I really have the life of a human being in my hands.  I can shape it, stimulate it, depress or discourage it.  I need to give my students sympathy, empathy, regard and respect.  I will strive to attain the art of getting a student to develop learning muscles and to use them; to get the student to learn on his own.  I will not just give out a set of facts, but develop a personal, living relationship and love for each student.

I must remember to always expect more, not less, from my students; requiring them ever to stretch to their potential and at the same time keeping them from the self destructive habit of repeating what they can not do.  I must also remind myself that if something makes sense, it will be stored in their long term memory.  My students will learn to evaluate music by its quality, not by its length or tempo.  I will begin each piece with the end in mind; therefore my students will play accurately and musically.  They will work on (and get) the rhythm first.  After rhythm and accuracy of notes and fingering, phrasing will be my most important emphasis with tone quality a high priority.

I will stay in close touch with parents, treating them as allies and inviting their cooperation and participation.

I will strive for excellence.  I will retain  my passion.  I will always see the possibilities, not the limitations, of my students.  I will make every lesson an occasion.  I will try to keep lessons the "Happy Easy."  I want my students to feel successful.  My students will not be piano players, but pianists.  I will judge my success as a teacher by what my students can do on their own.

Copyright 2016 Mary Davis Music Studio
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